Women's Ministry

Women’s Fellowship at St Philip
Time for chat and fellowship, and a range of activities: food, discussion, visits, sharing favourite music and poems, walks, quizzes, activities and prayer time. 
Meets 7.30-9.30pm on 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.
Marion Evans

Stepping Stones at St Peter & St Paul
A friendly group of women who meet to study the Bible and encourage one another to grow in faith.
Meets Thursdays 10-11.30am (term time).
Refreshments provided and a crèche for under 5's.
Josephine Sinclair 

Merry Makers at St Peter & St Paul
Join us to try a range of needlecraft, with refreshments and a brief Bible thought for the day.
Mondays, 10am - 12noon.
Yvonne Burgess

Knit & Natter at St Peter & St Paul
Creative knitting!
Second Thursday of month, 10am -12noon (except August)
Caroline Buck

Workshop at St Peter & St Paul
Varied arts and crafts, refreshments and friendship.
Every Thursday, 1 - 4pm.
Yvonne Burgess